Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sword of the Spirit

Wow!  What a week it has been.  I can't say I know exactly how I battled through it but I know that the final victory came from being at prayer time this morning.

It was weigh in day for me.  In week 5 of the challenge, I hit the goal of dropping 20 lbs and actually even went down to losing 24 lbs.  However, after 'the incident' this weekend with Ryan. . . I gained 3 back in all the stress and found myself digging into the kids easter baskets, skipping meals and generally not getting sleep each night.

This morning after I shared with a friend about how hard this week has really been for me. . I found myself in tears on my drive from the gym to church.

I walked into prayer obviously weighed down by everything.  I said, I need a Word.  I am here just showing up cause its been a hard week and wouldn't you know that we were in the Book of Hebrews this week.  We were in it and I encounted one of my favorite verses, Hebrews 6:19,   "We have this Hope as an anchor for our souls, firm and secure".

So throughout the day, I just kept reciting that verse to myself.  Every hour I recited it.  Over and Over. . I have this hope as an anchor for my soul.   I have this HOPE as an anchor for my soul. . . I have this hope as an anchor for my SOUL.  I have this hope as an ANCHOR for my soul.  . . . I have this hope as an anchor for MY soul . . . I have THIS hope as an anchor for my soul.

This hope, His promise is an anchor for me.  It keeps me steady. It keeps me grounded.  It keeps me from drowning in the waves of life.  It keeps me teathered.

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