This is Zach and I . . . take a look closely. You will see that everything about us looks THE SAME. Freakishly so, I might add. Now, truth be told, I am squinting from the sun so our eyes really look the same, but he actually has Mark's eyes. However, when you stop to talk with Zach, you quickly learn he has his father's reserved demeanor, he really only warms up with you after he's gotten to know you pretty well. And, he's a watcher not a doer. He only participates once he knows what to do and how to do it. Then, there's the times when he's been up to long without a nap or gone to long between meals and needs a snack - then he can turn on a dime just like his mom! It's what makes him who he is. . . a little bit Mark and a little bit me . . . but all Zach!
Then we have Sydney. . .who has these gorgeous big blue eyes that really scared Mark and I when she was born. We must have called her bug eyes for the first three or four months - until she actually started to grow into these big baby blues. ( Did ya know that you are born with your eyes the actual size they will be for your whole life? They don't grow. Something I have learned now that she has started to "grow" into her eyes and its all getting to be a bit more in proportion!) Now back to Sydney . . . she's not so much a spitting image of me OR of Mark but we can still see it. When you cover those eyes up . . .you can see it too. You can see those little "cheekies" as we call them, and that cute button nose, the chin, the hair, the shape of her face. Its just thrown off by those eyes. But they say the eyes are the window to the soul and after spending almost a year with this little girl, I think I can finally see in there. She's got the best smile. . . and she scrunches up her nose just like I do when she's happy and she is easy-going. . so easy-going NOW that is. We have already forgotten those first five months! :) But she's starting to show us Sydney and I can't wait to learn more. . .
That is one of my favorite parts of motherhood. . . . figuring out the little person that they will be become. Learning what makes them tick, finding out the kind of person they are growing up to be. Stay tuned. . . . and you can learn right along with us!
That is scary how much you and Zach look a like. I can say I am not to sure who Sydney looks like.
Hey there, Dawn! You're correctomundo on both of your Jersey questions, as you knew you would be! I've posted a couple more sets, so try your chops out on those, why don'tcha? :) And tomorrow is the Post to end all Posts--I'm reviewing AP as a getaway destination, so wish me luck! BTW: LOVE the sunrise on your blog header!!
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