Sunday, August 03, 2008


Okay folks. Its 12:22am and I should not be awake. I mean I did take a 2 hour nap today so I am not tired and Mark went to bed at least an hour ago. . . so why is it that I am up doing nothing but playing on this darn laptop tonight? I will tell you. . .

We were going to watch a movie and Mark wants to watch the rest of the baseball game first so I check my email. Well, I got a note from my best friend Laura about doing lunch and she throws in there a one-liner " BTW - why aren't you on facebook?" Okay - I have time to kill and about three people have emailed me about joining them on facebook in the last six months and I have promptly deleted the message but tonight it was as if I was taunted to join facebook via this message from Laura - who also tells me that another friend Kim was requesting my presence on the social network as well.

Sooooooo two hours later. . . I have written to folks I haven't even talked to or seen since high school graduation! I can see this being addictive. . kinda like this blog. . making me get no sleep so I can connect with the outside world via my computer. Is this what my life has come to? I must tell you. . I definitely think Mark is going to think I am having an affair with this computer if he doesn't already!

I rationalized this blog as a way to update friends/family with pictures of the kids. Now I have joined facebook so that I can add more people to connect with when I already don't have enough time to do the things I really need to do in my life. . .

We'll see but my Junior Homecoming date ( who I went with as friends, but my sister actually dated) just IM'd me via facebook and I'm super psyched to chat with him and see how he's been doing! hehehe : )


DembroskyFamily said...

Yes it is very adictive. but a great way to connect with others you havn't seen in years.

Nancy said...

you're soooo hooked...see ya' in a few years, when you finally turn off your computer.

Sarah said...

Blogging, Facebooking... hmm.. wonder what I can sway you into next?

All the cool kids are doing it.